Monday, October 25, 2010


For my info-graphics project I have chosen sleep patterns as my topic. I am an insomniac and I have found that several things wake me up during the night so the data I recorded was what time I went to bed each day, the times that I woke up during the night, and the reasons for waking up at those times. I also found some interesting sleep info-graphics online:

For my design ideas I am wanting to use a bell as an alarm symbol and inside the bell put what has woken me up during the night and the bigger the bell the more that thing has woken me up.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Public Service Poster Project

The idea for my public poster project is Texting While Driving. The poster itself is a comical way of viewing a serious issue among most young people today. These are the pictures that i used for my project:

Here is the cartoon drawing that inspired the idea behind my poster:
The final poster came out using mixed media of pictures and hand drawn images.